
Search Engine Optimization

Link Price Calculator

Enter up to 100 URLs (Each URL must be on separate line)

About Link Price Calculator

Link Price Calculator is a free online tool that is used to estimate the total worth or cost of a link to any website based upon many factors including popularity and traffic of the website, based on the website's content, Domain Authority, and types of links. The link value can be different based on the type of link as a text link, image link, sponsored link, etc.

It is a simple and advanced AI-based tool through which the website owner can easily estimate the appropriate price of their links. The tool can be very useful for the professionals involved in certain advertisements, website owners, digital marketers, SEO specialists, and many others. 

Importance of Link Price Calculator 

1. Estimate the value or worth of a link
2. Compare the link prices 
3. To help in making further decisions
4. Evaluate link-building strategies

1. Estimate the value or worth of a link

Link Price Calculator helps the user to assist to estimate the value of the link in certain websites. The value of the link depends upon certain factors including traffic, page rank, domain authority, and many others. The Link Price Calculator by Bgseotool can be so helpful as it offers an easy estimation of the value of any link.

2. Compare the link prices 
Using the Link Price Calculator, the website owner can compare the prices of different links by analyzing different aspects. This tool can be helpful for both the buyer and seller. 

3. To help in making wiser decisions

After using the Link Price Calculator, one can have certain knowledge regarding how much any link worth is. Anyone can easily estimate the price of a specific URL very easily and swiftly and can know the price. The owners of any website can work further better to improve its worth, while the buyer also can make wiser decisions while buying any link. 

4. Evaluate link-building strategies

One of the most important factors of the Link Price Calculator is that it helps in evaluating link-building strategies by providing an understanding of the estimated value of a backlink. It helps to compare different link-building strategies and determine which one is best in terms of providing a return on investment. 

How to use Link Price Calculator by BGseotool?

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Click on the Link Price Calculator Box.

Step 3: Insert the URL of the website on which you want to calculate the link price.

Step 4: Click on the "Submit" button. It will take a few seconds to estimate. The value of the link will be shown in USD. The price is estimated by considering various factors.