Password Strength Checker

Search Engine Optimization

Password Strength Checker

About Password Strength Checker

Password Strenght checker is an online software that is programmed to determine the strength of the users' passwords. Creating a strong password is crucial to protect our personal information from hackers. It analyzes passwords by checking how many numbers, letters, and symbols they have used, to verify the strength of the passwords. 

Importance Of Having Strong Passwords

In this digital era, our every personal data are being stored on the internet. And if the Personal information gets hacked or becomes public it can lead to major problems. For that reason having strong passwords is critical. Having powerful passwords helps to keep sensitive personal information safe and protect our digital accounts from unauthorized access. Setting stronger passwords is of the utmost importance in some sectors. For instance, in banking transactions, and on our social media accounts we need to set our passwords as strong as possible because these are the platforms where we have our most important information.

Importance of Password Strength Checker

People often use easy passwords to remember them quickly, but that can be a little risky. To find out if their passwords are secure enough or not they can take help from these password strength checkers. The checker aims to warn the user if their password is vulnerable and encourage them to use much stronger passwords. A strength checker helps improve users' overall online privacy and security. 

In April 2022, which is a review site for online technical financial business-related services, presented an eye-opening statistic, that shows how insecure our personal information is on the internet and encourages us to create stronger passwords for our security. 

  • Password "123456" is now used by more than 23 million people 
  • Approximately 51 percent of Americans use their own name or their loved one's birth date as a password
  • According to the data, two of every five people have their passwords compromised, their Identity hacked, and sensitive information breached due to weak and outdated passwords. 

Why Use BG SEO Password Strenght Checker 

There are various password strength checker tools available on the website that determine users' password quality and BG Seo Password strength checker is also one of them. Here are some features that BG SEO Passwords Strenght Checker provides, which makes this website different and more valuable than other tools available on the internet. 

  • Easy and user-friendly to use 
  • Less Time Consuming
  • Provide Service at Zero cost
  • Does not view or keep a record of the users content 
  • 100 percent secure to use
  • Dos not required for installation 
  • Does not require users' personal information for the service

How To Use BG SEO Password Strenght Checker 

There is no long process for using this tool, users can take the service within a few clicks. To check the strength of the password users are first required to open the Password Strength Checker tool and they need to input their password on the text box or they can copy and paste their password there. As soon as the user inputs the passwords on the text box, the tool instantly shows the result on the screen in between three different options that are Weak, Medium, and Strong.