Open Graph Checker

Search Engine Optimization

Open Graph Checker

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About Open Graph Checker

Open Graph Checker is an advanced internet protocol organically created by Facebook and specifically used to standardize metadata within a webpage for representing the content of a specific data or page.

It easily functions as technical software to check if a page has essential graph metadata or not. Open Graph Checker also can provide details regarding the page title and other specific information about the duration of videos. BG SEO Tool offers an Al-based Open Graph Checker for free.

BG SEO Tool Open Graph Checker has also provided an extension that displays a preview of the type, title, description, and other metadata information. BG SEO Tool Open Graph Checker will also report in case of missing data or descriptions.

Facebook Graph Checker

Facebook launched Open Graph Checker in 2010 to promote integration with other websites. It has also input important, useful tools and webmasters to review how their links appeared on Facebook.

Secondly, BG SEO Tool Facebook Graph Checker also adjusts any issues or mistakes in links and tools, it can be changed and adjusted accordingly. The software also clears the cache in case any changes are made in a website's meta tags that will originally appear in Facebook links.

Features of Open Graph Checker Tags

The major meta tags that BG SEO Tool Facebook Graph Checker provides are listed according to:

  • og: type
  • og: title
  • og: description
  • og: URL
  • og: site_name
  • og: image

 1. og: type: The start of the given meta tags is from og: type. It shows the result obtained from the link input on the open graph checker. It could be categorized according to information on a specific date or page. The og: type can be classified with different data such as articles, biographies, or many more.

2. og: title: It is categorizing or defining the title of given data of users' content. In cases of missing descriptions in the code of a website, our software will use the meta title tag. An 'og: title' is specifically titled between 60-90 maximum astounding and appealing idioms.

3. og: description: The 'og: description' is also identical to the meta description used in the HTML code of websites. It essentially shows the shot information regarding the subject and data. The is no required length evaluated for the 'og: description' in the table of meta tags.

4. og: site_name: The 'og: site_name' is the categorized name of the website from where the URL is collected. It shows the source information and conveys the website name. The 'og: site_name' also easily shows the correct source information.

5. og: image: Lastly, 'og image' is the most interesting and beneficial OG tag compared to others. It can also help with conversion rate and is displayed as a thumbnail when the website page is shared. Likewise, there are other multiple advanced Og tags provided by BG SEO Tool Facebook Graph Checker.

How to use Open Graph Checker by BG SEO Tools?

Step 1: Open our website,

Step 2: Click the Open Graph Checker box and input the URL on the website to check by the Open Graph Checker. Users can input any links acquired through any website.

Step 3: Click the submit button below the URL box to acquire the meta tags. In no time, users will be able to check any implemented OG tags through our website.

Step 4: In any case of issues, our website also displays a report, which easily helps to check if a page has essential graph metadata or not.

Benefits of Open Graph Checker

Open Graph Checker is a technologically advanced tool to check on users' competitor's websites and check their private tag information. It also classified source architecture and standards for graphics cards.

Open Graph Checker also benefits users by studying their competitors' website traffic stats.  Using Open Graph Checker's Mg of tags, users can easily access designed business websites on social media platforms to drive maximum traffic to users' websites. Developing the tags must be planned and organized carefully.

Distributing alluring titles, descriptions, and eye-catching images could be beneficial for users to increase the percentage of traffic by just trying to achieve a top Google page ranking.

To generate traffic on users' social media sites, users must make full use of graph tags and implement them in the code on their websites. Thus, it will benefit users and will stand out and draw more traffic and viewers.