Open Graph Generator

Search Engine Optimization

Open Graph Generator

Fill in required fields.


Copy your code.
<meta property="og:title" content="">
<meta property="og:site_name" content="">
<meta property="og:url" content="">
<meta property="og:description" content="">
<meta property="og:type" content="">

About Open Graph Generator

Open Graph creates a meta tag which are placed in the HTML markup of a webpage that provide you guidance to control how your webpage is displayed on social media platforms when you shared a particular post. To boost traffic on users' social media sites, users must make full use of graph tags and implement them in the code on their websites.

Thus, it will benefit users and will stand out and draw more traffic and viewers. To create an Open graph code, BG SEO offers and recommends an ai-based Open Graph Generator tool for its best and most advanced services. Users don't have to do any coding in HTML or remember the sequence in which to create the tags.

Our tool is easy and capable of accomplishing such tasks, all you need to do is to use a very handy open graphs meta tags tool to generate an open graph coding. Similarly, users can also change or edit their open graph tags whenever they want by using this convenient tool provided by BG SEO Tool.

How to use the Open Graph Generator by BG SEO Tool?

BG SEO's Open Graph Generator is available to all social media and internet users, both for personal and business purposes. It provides you with major information about your social media stats. To use our Open Graph Generator, here are some steps required:

Step 1: Open our website, (

Step 2: Our website will display the following metadata. Now, input the requested information to generate an open graph code. Accordingly, input your site name, title, site URL, description, images, and other required information in the given query box.

Step 3: In less than a second, our Open graph generator will display your Code Graph in the left-side query box. BG SEO's Open graph generator tool will display your required accurate data automatically.

Step 4: We also provide the facility to copy-paste the complete Code graph for free. Now, the HTML code for the open graph tags will be generated. After copying and pasting the HTML code in the header section of your site’s HTML code, your website’s object will appear on Facebook.

Step 5: In any case of issues, our website also displays a report, which easily helps to check if a page has essential graph metadata or missing information.

Features & Characteristics of Open Tags

To take benefit of the Open Graph protocol, users require adding the following tags to the code of their website. Here is the list of some important required Open graph tags, such as:

  • OG: type
  • OG: title
  • OG: Description
  • OG: URL
  • OG: site_name
  • OG: image

 1. OG: type: The start of the given meta tags are from OG: type. It shows the result obtained from the link input on the open graph checker. It could basically be categorized according to information on a specific date or page. The OG: type can be classified with different data such as articles, biography, or many more.

2. OG: title: It is basically categorizing or defining the title of given data of users' content. In cases of missing descriptions in the code of a website, our software will use the meta title tag. An 'OG: title' is specifically titled between 60-90 maximum astounding and appealing idioms.

3. OG: description: The 'OG: description' is also identical to the meta description used in the HTML code of websites. It essentially shows the shot information regarding the subject and data. The is no required length evaluated for the 'OG: description' in the table of meta tags.

4. OG: site_name: The 'OG: site_name' is the categorized name of the website from where the URL is collected. It shows the source information and conveys the website name. The 'OG: site_name' also easily shows the correct source information.

5. OG: image: Lastly, 'OG image' is the most interesting and beneficial OG tag compared to others. It can also help with conversion rate and is displayed as a thumbnail when the website page is shared. Likewise, there are other multiple advanced OG tags provided by BG SEO Tool Open Graph Generator.